Thursday, January 28, 2016

Meeting#274 (Photo Story) - With Success Comes Sacrifice

Round#2 Photo Story Contest Submission:
By Alvis Lee Yi Zhe

Meeting Theme: "With Success Comes Sacrifice" , --- A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work." ~ Colin Powell, 65th United States Secretary of State.

our best table topic speaker of the day, Chee Yong, ACB, ALB had delivered a remarkable speech to all of us!

Our table topic master of the day had performed his role in a creative and energetic way!

our best speech evaluator, Wong Woon Pen, ACB, CL had get the prize and voucher again!

Group photo for Jan 16 birthday celebration! #Happy birthday!

Best project speaker, TM Yeow from Monash University TMC delivered her CC4 # say what u mean!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Meeting#273 (Photo Story) - Begin With The End in Mind

Round#2 Photo Story Contest Submission:
By Carmen Chong 

Meeting Theme: Begin With the End in Mind
"live out of your imagination, not your history. "
~ Stephen Covey, Author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People"

Our club culture: Reward the best speaker & evaluator with MPH Book Voucher!

Hurray! We are the highest DCP Point among the Division J Community Clubs! Awarded with simply distinguished Pins & Medals.

Again, it's Full house, yo!

The Team, Receiving simply distinguished pins and medals from Area J3 Director.

Introducing our newly elected J3 Area Director & General Evaluator of the Day!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Meeting#272 (Photo Story) - Christmas & New Year

A few recaps of our last meeting in Year 2015. *This is the photo story contest submission* - Photo Story submitted by Chong Chee Siong (VPE 2015/2016) Thanks ! :D

Best Speech Evaluator, TM Mak sang music notes during his CC6 evaluation for TM Daniel Lim

Bonding session  between members during the refreshment break must not be missed

Congratulations to Christy Chang, CC (Left) on completing her maiden role as GE

Sweet Memories...Group Photo for Dec 2015 Birthday Celebration

TME & Birthday MAN TM Victor Cheng and his bubbly smile

Photo Story Contest

Photo Story Contest!

We're happy to announce the launch of our Photo Story Contest! 
The Objective of the contest is to provide our club member the opportunity to take part in our public relation activity. To share with the public what's happening in our usual club meeting.

The Contest Objective:
Sign up to be the Photographer for our meeting. You're automatically the Photo Story Contestant! Take pictures, choose the best 5 pictures that tell the story of the meeting. Complete the picture submission with caption. 

A Simple Photo Story Submission Template

(include meeting number + theme)

e.g.  Meeting#001 The Best of Our Theme
  1. Picture#1  -
  2. Picture#2  -
  3. Picture#3  -
  4. Picture#4  -
  5. Picture#5  -

The photo submission along with the caption will be featured here in the blog and the facebook At the end of the Contest Round, (Usually 1 Round of the Contest consists of 4 different submissions from 4 club meetings) we will announce the winner in the our club meeting, and to present him/her the prize!