Friday, January 15, 2016

Meeting#273 (Photo Story) - Begin With The End in Mind

Round#2 Photo Story Contest Submission:
By Carmen Chong 

Meeting Theme: Begin With the End in Mind
"live out of your imagination, not your history. "
~ Stephen Covey, Author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People"

Our club culture: Reward the best speaker & evaluator with MPH Book Voucher!

Hurray! We are the highest DCP Point among the Division J Community Clubs! Awarded with simply distinguished Pins & Medals.

Again, it's Full house, yo!

The Team, Receiving simply distinguished pins and medals from Area J3 Director.

Introducing our newly elected J3 Area Director & General Evaluator of the Day!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, this meeting seems very informative. I am glad to read the meeting minutes here. I am also working in a corporate event planning firm and have organized various meetings like this one. Lately I have been working on an annual event of a popular firm. I hope that I’ll complete this project successfully.