Friday, July 18, 2008

Mid Valley Toastmasters Club Meeting 14/7/08

By Chia Hur,
I apologize for the late updates due to some personal issues. Last Monday, we had our very own club meeting in our home base Cititel, Mid Valley. It was the first meeting involving the new EXCO members that were elected a month ago. Here's some insights on what was happening on that day.
The attendance for the meeting was unusually low for that day. Three guests attended the meeting with us on that day.

The President, Anand gave his presidential speech for the very first time "relaxingly". He did his project speech later too.

Past Area Governor, Christine did her advance project speech as well on that night.

Our Sergeant, Seng Yaw was whispering the theme "Just Do It" repeatedly before pushing himslef forward for tabletopics and project speech.
Our General Evaluator on that day was DTM, Tang Sum Chee who made his way to our meeting even though he had an invitation elsewhere. Thanks if you are reading this!
Leung was our tabletopics evaluator on that day.
Gerald was one of the project speeches evaluator who earned the Best Evaluator of the day with ACG, Leong Oi Wah (since there was a tie in votes)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! You miss out our Anchor woman, TME, Jane. She's the best that night.