Monday, November 10, 2014

Meeting #247: The Night of Halloween (Written by Wayne Poon; Edited by Timothy Nakayama)

By Wayne Poon

Mid Valley Toastmasters Club Meeting #247: 
The Night of Halloween

The Night of Halloween - It is almost the year-end festival season. Mid Valley Toastmasters club located in one of the largest shopping center in Malaysia never misses out on the celebration of Halloween week. This meeting, held on Monday 27th October 2014, saw them celebrating this scary night-time festival - with the meeting theme of “The Night of Halloween". This article aims to introduce some of the famous members of the club and the special things that happened during the meeting, in regards of Halloween related stories.

President of the Night - The meeting was started by Shim Chee Loon, the president of the club and also a humorous guy. He started off the meeting with his funny opening address and greetings. In the table topic session, he volunteered to be one of the Table Topic speaker and delivered a horror-filled mini-speech about a movie called “The Orphan”.  Although the speech is about a horror movie, the way it was illustrated by Chee Loon was neither horrible nor creepy but funny and it kept the audience laughing all throughout.


Anyway, the loudest laugh in the room was from Becky :D

ToastMasters of the Evening(TME) - Vivien Lim led the evening as TME. This couples has been actively attending meetings and serves the club well by volunteering to play meeting roles.

3 Special Guests –Some special guests were invited and they are quite senior in Toastmasters. They are Mr Lucky, Victor Ong and Sharm Siva. . 

Mr Lucky is from  Bangsar Toastmasters Club and played  the role of General Evaluator. Well, I am pretty sure “Lucky” is his nick name and I am also wondering why he is keeping his real name anonymous. Lucky shared and gave quite a numbers of helpful points on improving our public speaking and communication skill.  It was a great learning experience! 


We have Victor Ong to delivered his advanced speech about his experience as a ghost buster. It was a lengthy story but interesting with some humorous contents.   He is working as a lecturer and is very active in Toastmaster. He often visits multiple Toastmaster clubs as part of his weekly schedule. 


Sharm Siva was also invited to the meeting, as a Table Topic Evaluator. Her comments and evaluations are always positive, warm and encouraging – it makes the speaker feel like performing another speech again right after. 

Our lovely members – Our meeting  was made more festive by the attendance of our club members:

Mi Shan the young, pretty and important  Vice-President of Membership as Speech Evaluator for Chee Kon’s  Ice-Breaker speech

Ryan Ting, with his student-look and well-spoken English, took the stage as Table Topic Master.

Christy Chang the girl who always presents speeches about mosquitoes! In this meeting, she played the role of Timekeeper. 

Yeap Wei Leeng the new joiner of our Mid Valley Toastmasters Club, played the role of  Ah-Counter 

Closing of the meeting – We  had a special birthday celebration event today before the meeting adjourned: White Dark Chocolate Cheese cake to celebrate the birthdays of our October babies. Everyone enjoyed the cake, our fruitful chit-chatting session later and ended the meeting with smiles and a full stomach.

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